What to wear

What to wear for Hedgehog Club
Hedgehog Club takes place in all weather conditions, except for extreme cases like very high wind, in excess of 40mph (as stated by the BBC weather forecast).
In order to have maximum fun we should all, children and adults, be dressed for the weather.
We suggest that for all sessions you wear:​
Long sleeves and trousers - to protect from scratches and bites
Wellies, walking boots or sturdy closed shoes - to protect toes
A waterproof all in one or separate jacket and trousers
Bring some extra layers in case it turns chilly and a bag to take all the dirty clothes home in.
Then in winter add more layers, thick socks, hats, gloves and scarves.
In Summer a sun hat, sun cream and bug spray.
For a downloadable Kit List click here.
As Billy Connolly says, "There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing, so get yourself a sexy raincoat and live a little.”